Why Is My Printer Offline?


Printer showing offline is a very common thing, there are many reasons due to which the user’s device can show the user’s printer as offline, like the user forgot to connect the printer with their device, or the user’s device do not have any printer driver installed in this case it will show as no printer found. These are few basic reasons due to which the printer offline status can be seen by the user. Now if the user is seeing this error more often than not then it can be some kind of glitch either in the user’s device or in the user’s printer.

If the user wants to solve this issue but they do not know from where to start then in that case the user needs to find whether the error is technical in nature, because if the error is technical then the user needs to call the helpdesk of their printer manufacturer as they will provide an assistant to the user in order to solve their printer issue. there are lots things inside a printer and if any of those things are not working then the user will face the problem while printing a command from their printer. To help the user we are mentioning some of the common printer issues which can lead the issue of printer offline in the user’s device.


Common Reasons due to which Printer can be Offline

1.     Printer not Connected- Connection between the printer and the user’s device is needs to be perfect, if the connection is broken then the device will find it difficult to print the command given by the user. the connection is the most important thing because if it is broken then the printer won’t work efficiently or it won’t work at all. For connecting printer with device, the user has to make sure that the cable which is connecting the two device is not broken from any end and it does not have any kinds of cut in it. If the cable is broken then the user needs to replace it, and the user also needs to make sure that the wires are inserted into their dedicated slots.


2.     Printer Driver are missing- Printer driver are the most essential things which help the user’s device in detecting the attached printer and when they are missing then the user’s device will show the error of Printer offline. So, before user tries to connect a printer with their device the user has to make sure that their device has the required driver to support their printer. There are times when the user’s device has printer driver installed but they are outdated then in that case the user needs to remove those outdated printer driver and download the new drivers from the website of their printer.


3.     Printer not set as default printer- For the user’s printer to complete the user’s command it needs to be selected as the default printer; this needs to be done when the user is using more than one printer into their device. and they did not specify the default printer offline and in that case the user’s system will send the command to any of the attached printer. So, if the user sees their printing command in not being completed with their printer, then in that case the user needs to change the setting of their device. For this the user needs to open the settings and from their the user needs to select their printer as the default printer. When the user do this all of their command will be completed through their printer.
